Share holding pattern

The Aggregate shareholding of the Promoters & Promoter Group is as under:

Particulars Pre-Issue Shareholding Post-Issue Shareholding
Number of Shares Percentage Holding Number of Shares Percentage Holding
Vijay Burman 17,30,508 42.26% 17,30,508 27.47%
Megha Burman 10,14,312 24.77% 10,14,312 16.10%
Raksha Burman 10,79,088 26.35% 10,79,088 17.13%
Man Mohan Burman 2,70,864 6.61% 2,70,864 4.30%
Total Promoters Shareholding (A) 40,94,772 99.99% 40,94,772 65.00%
Promoter Group
Nil - - - -
Total Promoters Group Shareholding (B) - - - -
Total Promoters & Promoters Group Shareholding (A+B) 40,94,772 99.99% 40,94,772 65.00%